Autobiography synonyms and antonyms dictionary apk

  • Autobiography synonyms and antonyms dictionary apk
  • Synonyms and antonyms dictionary pdf!

    This dictionary software bundle includes the leading single-volume English dictionary, the Oxford Dictionary of English and the comprehensive Concise Oxford Thesaurus.

    The Oxford Dictionary of English has been completely revised and updated to include the very latest vocabulary.

     • Over 350,000 words, phrases, and meanings

     • 75,000 audio pronunciations of both common and rare words

     • Includes thousands of brand-new words and senses, as well as up-to-date encyclopedic information

     • Completed with a British voice pronunciation, including words with controversial pronunciation or with variant pronunciations

    The Concise Oxford Thesaurus is ideal for helping you pinpoint exactly the right word, whether you are writing a letter, preparing a report, composing an essay, writing creatively, or solving a crossword.

     • Over 300,000 synonyms and antonyms

     • Thousands of example phrases helping you to select the correct word, and opposites and related terms clearly marked
