Paul greenfield bird illustration prints american
Paul greenfield bird illustration prints american homestead
MN Global Birders...
Ecuador's Nature Reserves
Ecuador’s Nature Reserves – Paul Greenfield’s Thoughts
Written by Bob Sundstrom
This is BirdNote.
[Toucan Barbets duetting, and Ecuadorian rainforest throughout]
The bird life of Ecuador ranks among the richest in the world.
Just the size of Nevada, Ecuador is home to 1600 species of birds – that’s twice the number in all of North America. [Toucan Barbets duetting]
Can this splendid diversity be preserved? One to take up this challenge is artist and naturalist Paul Greenfield, a long-time resident of Ecuador.
Paul greenfield bird illustration prints american
Greenfield has a unique knowledge of Ecuador’s birds. He painted each one of them for the first field guide to that country’s birds. The book put ecotourism in Ecuador on the map in a big way.
Greenfield has also helped create Ecuadorean conservation reserves, both large and small.
He feels that smaller reserves of a few hundred acres may have the best chance for long-term success. Small reserves, such as the Mindo Cloud For