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    Truth and trickery:
    A case study of His Holiness Trivikrama Swami

    Back To Prabhupada, Issue 32, Summer

    When BTP was launched nearly 8 years ago, proclaiming to the world that Srila Prabhupada is ISKCON’s real guru, it was predictably met with a hostile reaction from ISKCON’s guru hoaxers and their disciples and followers.

    Trivikrama swami biography channel

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  • Over time, however, the ground has shifted significantly towards the IRM, as proven by the increasing number of guru hoaxers now preaching our philosophy (please refer to the Contradictions book, BTP Special Issue No. 2 and individual BTP issues for evidence of this shift).

    In this article, we explore the teachings of one of these guru hoaxers, His Holiness Trivikrama Swami (“TKS”). As will be seen, TKS uses a combination of truth (the IRM’s philosophy) and trickery (his/the GBC’s philosophy) to both establish Srila Prabhupada’s supreme position as ISKCON’s guru, and at the same time attempt to justify his own status as successor guru.

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