Leo lionni lesson plans cut paste
Leo lionni lesson plans little blue...
Leo lionni lesson plans cut paste
Leo Lionni’s picture books all contain wonderful stories, extended vocabulary, great illustrations and usually a very pertinent moral lesson. I read lots of his books throughout the year.
It’s Mine is a great example of all of these qualities – it is the story of 3 “quarrelsome” frogs who could not get along – each of them claimed that their own personal space belonged just to themselves – one claimed the air, one claimed the land and one claimed the water.
This book fits in so well when you need to have some discussions about sharing and getting along, but it also fits into the science curriculum under air, land and water. Best of all it has clear characters, easy to identify setting, specific problem and resolution; and a definite beginning, middle and end – that makes it a great story for retelling!
There are so many absolutely wonderful books – it has always been a problem for me!
I want to read them all to my class &