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  • Charles Eliot Norton Lectures - Wikipedia
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    Charles Eliot Norton Lectures

    YearsLecturerTitlePublished 1926–1927Gilbert MurrayThe Classical Tradition in Poetry1927 1927–1928Eric MaclaganItalian Sculpture of the Renaissance1935 1929–1930H.

    W. GarrodPoetry and the Criticism of Life1931 1930–1931Arthur Mayger HindRembrandt1932 1931–1932Sigurður NordalThe Spirit of Icelandic Literature (8 lectures: ???—The Old Poetry—The Sagas of Iceland—...—The World of Reality—The World of Dreams...)[1][2][3][4]1932–1933 T.

    S. EliotThe Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism: Studies in the Relation of Criticism to Poetry in England(The Relation of Criticism and Poetry—Poetry and Criticism in the Time of Elizabeth—The Classical Tradition: Dryden and Johnson—The Theories of Coleridge and Wordsworth—The Practice of Shelley and Keats—Arnold and the Academic Mind—The Modern Mind: I—The Modern Mind: II)[1][5]