Arthur baldwin turnure biography of martin
Arthur baldwin turnure biography of martin henderson.
Arthur baldwin turnure biography of martin
Arthur Turnure (1856 - 1906)
Son of David Turnure and Mary (Baldwin) Turnure
[sibling(s) unknown]
[spouse(s) unknown]
[children unknown]
Profile last modified | Created 28 Feb 2015
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Founded Vogue magazine in 1893, as well as the Art Interchange, the Art Age, the Grolier Club of New York City.
Original member of the Calumet club. Head of Harpers & Bros art dept., during which time he arranged the lavish Garfield edition of Ben Hur, much praised by Lew Wallace. Organized the Society for the Reform of the Association for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals which tried to reform the corrupt ASPCA.
A lady's man, he was in favor of women's rights and made plans for an unsupervised women's boarding house. Also worked in various other art-printing capacities, many along with the Gliiss brothers, a pai