Sample biography in first person

  • Sample biography in first person
  • Sample biography in first person reading...

    It’s just 100 words (or fewer) so why is it so freaking difficult?

    Sample biography in first person

  • Sample biography in first person
  • Sample biography in first person point of view
  • Sample biography in first person reading
  • Sample of biography about myself
  • Simple short bio example yourself
  • You know what I’m talking about…the short bio or brief description that you need for social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and all the others. I always find it so much easier to have bio examples to follow, so here are some fill-in-the-blank templates for you to customize for your own short social media profiles.

    Pick and choose the parts that work for you.

    How many words exactly?

    Twitter: 160 characters, which means only 20 – 25 words. Make each word count!

    Pinterest: 200 characters, which translates into approximately 30 words.

    Instagram: 150 characters, or about 20 words.

    First-Person or Third-Person Format?

    Before you get started though, you’re probably wondering if you should write in first-person (I am a …)  or third-person (your name, such as “Barbra is a …”).

    In the past, experts would tell you that bios should always be writ