Ben franklin biography facts recorded
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Ben franklin biography facts recorded
Although Benjamin Franklin was not a soldier, his diplomacy secured French support during the Revolutionary War. This biography gives the important facts about his life and his role in the War for Independence.
Benjamin Franklin Childhood
Ben was born on January 17, 1706, the tenth of seventeen children.
As a child, his father planned for him to be a clergyman, but they were in no financial state for that to happen.
Due to lack of money, Ben only ever attended one year of school. Instead of schooling him, his father sent him off to apprentice to his older brother at a printing shop.
Ben loved to read, so he enjoyed printing, for he was able to read the many writings that came through their newspaper.
Benjamin Franklin: Printer and Writer
Ben wanted very badly to write for the paper, but his brother would not let him.
Being the bright young boy that he was, Ben found a way to write anyway.
He posed as an old widow and wrote papers, which he slipped under the door at night