Biography of french artists hat

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    A French icon: the beret

    Is there any fashion accessory as French as the beret? Heidi Fuller-Love explains the history behind France’s favourite hat…

    Popular French legend has it that Noah discovered the beret.

    Biography of french artists hat

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  • According to myth, he was cleaning the Ark and discovered a mesh of wool that had been trodden to felt by a hundred hooves. Et voilà: the beret, derived from the Latin birretum (meaning ‘a cap’), was born.

    Historians would dispute this biblical fable, but they would not deny that the beret goes back a long way: the ancient Greeks wore round, flat hats that looked similar and even the Romans had a flat cap called a beretino.

    The first berets in France were worn by Béarnais shepherds in the Middle Ages.

    These canny Pyrenean mountain dwellers discovered that wool becomes water-resistant when left out in all weathers. Soon, all over the Midi-Pyrénées, shepherds were knitting themselves hats during the long winter veillées when fire flickered in the chimney and the wo