Per abbat biography
Per abbat biography books...
Who is the author of the Poema de Mio Cid?
Abu l-Walid al Waqqashi, author of the Cantar del Mío Cid, was defined as the most intelligent and wise man of his time.
Who is the author of Mio Cid Wikipedia?
Song of my Cid
Poema de Mio Cid by anonymous First folio of the manuscript of the Cantar de mio Cid preserved in the National Library of Spain.
Per abbat biography
Interactive listening. Genre Poetry Subgenre Cantar de geste
Who was Per Abbat summary?
Per Abbat, from Gumiel de Izán in Burgos and canon of Osma, is the sole author of the ‘Cantar de Mio Cid’, a text he wrote in 1207.
Everything would start from the final verses of the Cantar, those that say: «Who wrote this book of the God paradise, amen./ Per Abbat wrote it in the month of May/ In the age of a thousand, CC/ XLV years.»
What does Per Abbat mean?
The colophon that has been reproduced is a typical medieval manuscript colophon, with three elements that are found in many other Spanish and European colophons: the self-n