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    Red Rosa. A graphic biography of Rosa Luxemburg

    Kate Evans’ graphic biography, Red Rosa, is an entertaining, innovative and perceptive account of Rosa Luxemburg, finds Elaine Graham-Leigh

    Kate Evans, Red Rosa.

    Wassmus a biography about rosa

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  • A graphic biography of Rosa Luxemburg (Verso 2015), 220pp.

    If there were a Top Ten for ‘Ways to belittle revolutionary socialists online’, at number two, (behind that all-time favourite ‘Mention the Judean People’s Front’), would be, ‘Accuse them of defining their politics according to dead Russians’.

    Faced with this notion that we’re all obsessed with the minutiae of debates that happened a century ago, there can be a temptation to take the works of dead Russians like Lenin and Trotsky, and dead Poles like Rosa Luxemburg, and divorce them from their context.

    Young activists today should be reading The Mass Strike, for example, but surely the state of Rosa Luxemburg’s relation