Clg wiki walt disney television logo

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    Disney Television Animation

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    Logo descriptions and captures by AsdfTheRevival, Logofan95, Sega3dmm, Mr. Logo Lord, V of Doom, LogosForTheWin, and StephenCezar15
    Editions by Mr.

    Logo Lord, V of Doom, and Shadeed A. Kelly
    Video capture courtesy of NinJutsuDude1997

    Background: Disney Television Animation (formerly the "Walt Disney Pictures Television Animation Group" and "Walt Disney Television Animation") was formed in 1984 originally as the animated production arm of Walt Disney Television.

    Clg wiki walt disney television logo

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  • Walt disney pictures logo closing
  • Walt disney television animation logo
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  • Originally at the beginning of the end credits of any series, it currently uses both an in-credit text and on some series, an in-credit logo at the end of the credits, it used either the Walt Disney Television and/or Buena Vista Television/Buena Vista International logos.

    It was not until 2003, that it unveiled its own animated logo at the end of every show. Currently, it's the animation division of Disney Channel since 2005, who also produces programs fo